Sunday, April 12, 2020

helpful ladybugs


  1. Lovely to see you blogging Kaylee. Lots of interesting facts about lady bugs. I love finding lady bugs in my garden, especially on the roses as the eat the aphids.

  2. Hello. I like how you added lots of details. Next time, you could make it a little shotrer.

  3. Hey Kaylee
    Are you having a good day so far? I love your writing. lots of details And very intresting. I like lady bugs too. what is your favorite insect?
    Stay safe

  4. KIA ORA Kaylee! I hope you are having a nice day aswell. I love that your writing flows and has lots of detail. I love Ladybugs aswell. As Rylee asked What is your favourite bug?
    Nga mihi nui/ That means Great Work!
    Stay Safe
    Your good friend Autumn

    1. Hi Kaylee it is me again Autumn. I forget that is not how you say Great work in Maori. This is how you say it Mahi Nui my mistake.
      As always Stay Safe!
      Your good friend Autumn.

    2. my favourite bug is ladybug the black one is my favourite and you stay safe from your friend kaylee


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