Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Photo of my maths from my Mum


Monday morning in our house

Monday morning in our house.

On Monday morning at our home, my Dad made us omelettes for breakfast. They had eggs, cheese, onion, ham, salt and pepper in them. He fried up the ham and onions then he mixed all the stuff together and cooked them in a hot pan on the oven. Then he flipped the omelette in half and cooked it for little bit more. When our omelette was done cooking he put it on plate and we ate them, they were yummy.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Movie Dumbo

About the movie DUMBO I watched.
The Dumbo movie is about a small elephant named Dumbo. He was born at a circus. Dumbo has big ears. When he first was in the circus people made fun of his ears and that made his mum elephant not happy she came into the circus really mad, then the guy that was mean to the elephants came in yelling at her. That made her even madder she made   the tent fall down and squash that man that was mean to her.  The mum elephant got sent away and dumbo had to stay. dumbo was so sad. A boy and girl that were sister and brother were in the tent with dumbo they played with a feather with dumbo and saw Dumbo could  fly for the first time with his big ears. At the next circus dumbo got stuck up a ladder and there was fire. the girl ran and climbed up the ladder to give dumbo  a feather so he could fly but she fell down the ladder into a pool of water. He ended flying and everyone got to see. He became famous. One time during a circus he flew away  to see his mum, a boss man came and took him away from his mum. Dumbo was really sad again. His circus family decided they would save Dumbo and his mum and set them free. So much happened before they were set free together but you'll have to watch to see what happened and where Dumbo and his mum ended up...

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Making Anzac flowers


My sisters Maliah, Keesha, my mum and I drew and coloured in some Anzac flowers to show our respect for Anzac day.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Helping mum


My mum and I cleaned the fish tank out as it was getting pretty dirty in their. It is nice and clean for them to live in again. Now look at our happy fish, in their clean home.

My family outing in Kumara


My family and I went outside to get well needed fresh air. Keesha and I rode our bikes, Dad Mum Mailah walked while  Kane was in the front pack on Dad. We went down the road and went past our school. On the way we seen some teddies in peoples windows one was  in Eillish's window. Then we went down second street  then back towards home. We seen Mr Fogarty drive past us and we all waved at each other.

Sunday, April 12, 2020